NEW! We know how much bunnies love baskets. So in addition to Willow and Palm, we now have a Grape Vine Basket! Super Nommy. All natural edible peeled grape vine creates a soft chewable texture that bunnies also love. Can put hay, treats, feed, greens inside or turn it upside down to make a hide and seek basket. You can also make it into a Grape Find Treat Basket Box by buying two - tie two together with sea grass Twine (sold separately. ) A Do-it-yourself double fun chew toy. See example photo
It's also great solo. Bunnies love to toss and chew it. Simple easy fun.
These are all natural so they will vary slightly in color, texture, thickness and size.
Some of the grape vine is darker wood. This is just a normal coloration variance.
General Toy Precautions: Ensure your rabbit doesn't ingest large quantities of any toy. It's important they don't become satiated and neglect their essential high-fiber diet, crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system. If you find your bunny actually eats large portions at once, we advise removing the toy and only offering it to them for brief periods under supervision.