Natural sea grass and nothing else. Safe and edible. They are soft and thin and can easily be folded to make toys, entice for chewing. Bunnies love to chew on the edges and unweave them. A fun chewing distraction project. Better these than your rug! Some bunnies love to rattle the pen door at night or early in the morning. Weave this mat through the pen bars over and near their door and it keeps them busy with a new chewing project.
They work well for protecting sensitive feet from a wire cage floor.
These helped with sore hocks! My bunny can't have blankets as she eats them. We have tight knit carpet also to prevent her from chewing on it. (And she slides on the hardwood floors). The tighter knit carpet was starting to create sore hocks on her feet. We put these Sea Grass Mats in her favorite sitting and lounging spots and within just a couple of months her sore hocks were healed.
Because these are hand made and natural, size and colors fluctuate.
WE SHIP THESE FLAT TO WHOLESALERS. But with our retail customers, we roll or loosely fold for shipping, otherwise the shipping costs would be outrageous. If you ship to your customers, here are some tips you can offer your customers regarding flattening them out: Once received, the best way to make flatten them is to put them under something heavy for a few days or just anchor them under the water dish and food dish, Hidey house etc.
Size: XL measures 19" x 25" x1/8" (48.3 x 63.5 x 0.25 cm)
The Original BusyBunny Favorites for 30+ Years. BinkyBunny purchased BusyBunny in 2016 and continues to carry and expand the BusyBunny Brand.
General Toy Precautions: Ensure your rabbit doesn't ingest large quantities of any toy. It's important they don't become satiated and neglect their essential high-fiber diet, crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system. If you find your bunny actually eats large portions at once, we advise removing the toy and only offering it to them for brief periods under supervision.